Saturday, 16 April 2016

Peach tree care requires that you soak the roots of the tree for six to twelve hours

Peach tree care requires that you soak the roots of the tree for six to twelve hours before you plan on planting it. Dig your hole in the ground large enough for the roots of the tree to spread comfortably within it. This is vital for the care of peach trees. Soak the area completely after planting, and make sure to keep the area around the tree weed free.

Plant your own peach trees to enjoy sweet, homegrown peaches and save money in the process. Our peach trees produce luscious peaches that feature soft skin and creamy flesh that is bursting with full, rich flavor. They are perfect for canning and freezing, or making pies and cobblers. Fresh, homegrown peaches are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. You won’t find most of these varieties in grocery stores, and nothing quite compares to a tree-ripened peach from your own back yard. Start harvesting your own peaches summer after summer.

Compounds in stone fruits could help with “metabolic syndrome,” according to Dr. Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, AgriLife Research food scientist involved in a study at the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia.  Cisneros-Zevallos says, “Our work indicates that phenolic compounds present in these fruits have anti-obesity, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties in different cell lines and may also reduce the oxidation of bad LDL cholesterol which is associated with cardiovascular disease.

In general, each peach tree bears numerous, almost uniform sized fruits between May and September months. Its fruit is about the size of small apple, measuring about 7-10 cm in diameter and weigh about 130-160 grams. It features fuzzy outer surface with longitudinal depressions extending from its stem end to the tip. Depending upon the seed that is free or firmly attached to the pulp, they are classified into free-stone variety or clinging seed variety.

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